The Blueprint
One night I was casually scrolling on tiktok when I came up on a young woman sharing her journey to luxury at age 23. With the wealth mindset that I possess, of course I followed her and lurked on her profile for a while. In one of her videos she mentioned ways that we can get certified as social media marketers. She mentioned Facebook Blueprint. I have a few marketing certifications so far, a few from Google Digital Garage and one Content Marketing Certificate from ICreate Institute, Jamaica along with my degree in the field.
Now, with my natural inclination to learn, I just had to jump online and figure out what Facebook Blueprint was, and so I did.
I completed eighteen Facebook blueprint courses on marketing and advertising and started lurking on Marketing Psychology sites. (I don’t think that I will pursue the actual Facebook Blueprint Certificate though.) Getting all this knowledge has made me more aware of the wide range of opportunities that marketing provides and I’m even more excited now to be a marketer. My first project will be myself.