The Beknown Brand

Keefa Burke
2 min readMar 14, 2021


Branding is the most important aspect of public relations as it is the representation of a business or organization. Branding involves creating a logo, slogan, signature image etc. A lot of people may think that branding only refers to luxury brands like shoes, fashion, appliances or even cars, but a brand is a lot more than that. Branding can be seen as the maker or breaker of a business.

Company Branding

Branding for business holds great impact on the type of customers/clients that you attract and the amount of profit that you make. Trademarking, brand building and registration of a brand would cover the legal aspects. Informal businesses that are only registered on a social media platform can also take branding very seriously, however, without legal trademarking, your brand and entire public image can be stolen. A company brand is usually very traditional and has a whole team and group of people working in PR control. The actions of these organizations affect the economy a lot more than a personal brand would.

Personal Branding

When people here your name, what comes to their mind? That is what individuals consider when building a personal brand. Why should a company choose you to represent their brand? This is important to becoming eligible for brand ambassadorship and many sponsorship deals for your endeavors. The kind of events that you attend, your attire, the influence you hold and your associations are branding and marketing in very subtle but important ways.

Branding, marketing and public relations is a part of our lives whether formal or casual. it is important that we protect our public image and manage crises maturely and professionally.

